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Get Involved

There are many ways to participate in your student’s experience at Tilden, with volunteer opportunities that range from word cards to Thursday story writing helpers; from organizing class parties to chaperoning field trips. Other opportunities linked to the varied and impressive talents in the community are also available. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to and we can connect you with an opportunity suited to your time and talents.


In 2022, recognizing the need to provide a meaningful structure to engage and organize the current and alumni Tilden community, the Board of Directors and School launched the Tilden Association of Family and Alumni (TAFA). This is a volunteer-driven group that represents the parent, guardian, alumni student and family community as key stakeholders in the sustainable success of Tilden School.


The objectives of the organization include:

  • Facilitate engagement of the Tilden community with the school

  • Act as a liaison, resource and advocate between family/student interests, and the school

  • Engage with Tilden School administration to provide input as to community priorities and needs

  • Develop and implement community actions


A volunteer serves in a leadership capacity for TAFA, including serving a term on the Board of Directors. For more information, please email to be connected to the TAFA contact.

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