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Specialist Programming

As part of our commitment to preparing graduates to succeed on the path of their choosing, the student learning experience is enriched with instruction from teaching specialists in multiple subjects.  Our specialist instructors possess a wide range of talents and expertise, and present highly impactful guidance and instruction throughout your student’s K-5 journey.


We strongly believe at Tilden in artistic expression in multiple formats and across curricula. Each grade level attends class with our amazing Art Specialist to hone their abilities and imagination. Art projects are designed to match the skill and ability of each grade, layering the boundless creativity of children, with thoughtful structure and skill-building.  Inspiration for art instruction comes from artistic styles of all types.  Scroll through the images below to view a selection of the amazing artwork created by Tilden students.

Art History

The Art History program, for grades two through five, introduces students to a rich variety of artistic traditions from diverse cultures around the world. All classes begin the year exploring a specific era such as ancient, medieval, or modern times, or focusing on artistic movements like the Harlem Renaissance. Our focus changes year-to-year in preparation for exhibits at SAM and other local museums, with multiple field-trips each year.


Students carefully observe, analyze, and create hypotheses about artistic works, not just to better appreciate them but to hone their critical thinking skills. They actively engage in sharing their insights and interpretations with their classmates. Tilden students become comfortable comparing and contrasting civilizations: their cultures, their mythologies, and their art. 


The program is highly responsive to the interests of the students, fostering a sense of curiosity, supporting cross-curricular learning, and deepening students’ understanding of the world around them. 

Computer Skills & Science

In our ever-expanding digital world, understanding how technology works and how to effectively utilize it is more important than ever. There are two key aspects to our technology programming: computer skills and computer science. Formal instruction in these areas begin in third grade when each student receives a Chromebook.

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Computer Skills

The computer skills we teach support and augment classroom instruction and engagement. Our philosophy is to introduce and practice highly translatable skills as students will touch myriad tools, apps and software programs as they progress through their education.  Mastery of touch typing is the beginning of this journey.  Examples of other skills we teach include:

  • Word processing features

  • Common shortcuts

  • Filing conventions and digital organization

  • Researching skills

  • Digital illustration

  • Effective slide presentations

  • Graphing and spreadsheet tools


Computer Science

Our approach to computer science is to demonstrate and analyze how computers, as a machine, encode, decode, process and store digital data. Building from there, we explore how computers interface with networks, how networks are constructed, and why the internet is such a powerful and resilient tool. Ultimately, our aim is to teach students how to think computationally. in order to deepen their understanding of tools they will use often, if not daily, in their lives. The use of 3D printers is an example of how we actively make this connection.


Taken together, students are set up for success in middle and high school, where the interface between school and classroom, teacher and student, is increasingly digital.


Instrumental Music


Each grade level attends class with our Music Specialist. Our program focuses on teaching students the basic components of music, including beat, rhythm, melody, and harmony through instruments. In the lower grades, we use percussion instruments as well as pitched bells and boom whackers. Starting in third grade, students play recorders, and in fourth and fifth grades, students learn to play melodicas, an instrument combining breathing exercises of wind instruments with the key work of piano. Students work together to come up with song ideas and arrangements and practice each week as an ensemble to become accomplished performers. Along the way we do a little bit of singing and learn tidbits about music history, genres, notable musicians/composers, and music around the world. 


Vocal Music


The entire school participates in vocal music each week. We visit classic tunes and unique pieces, including the song "West Seattle," written by Tilden's first music teacher, Lou Major, and learn to sing in rounds. Vocal performances are part of our twice-yearly concerts, and at Fifth Grade graduation.

Physical Education

Each grade level attends class with our PE Specialist. The focus of our PE program is to develop motor skills and to strengthen cognitive and social skill growth through physical play. Through games, sports, and physical challenges, students practice positive attitudes and behaviors to help them navigate how to be successful with winning, losing, and being a team player. 

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) at Tilden reflects our school's values by supporting the development of empathy, awareness of others' and our own feelings, communication and problem solving in our students. While every teacher in every class and every subject reinforces our pillar of kindness, our SEL specialist delivers instruction specifically to help them navigate the trials and tribulations of everyday peer and adult interactions.


Social-Emotional Learning in school is typically comprised of these five components: 

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-regulation

  • Social awareness

  • Relationship skills

  • Responsible decision making


Students in the lower grades receive direct weekly SEL lessons with our Student Support Specialist through evidence-based SEL curriculum (We Thinkers), lessons and literature that help lead discussion and exploration of social-emotional concepts and behaviors, modeling and lots of practice!

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